10 Things You Didn’t Know About Dubai International Airport

Dubai International Airport is the glitzy gateway to the Middle East, where luxury meets aviation. You may think you know all there is to know about this bustling hub, but hold on to your passport because here are 10 things you probably didn’t know about Dubai International Airport, and I promise, no camels were harmed in the making of this list:

1. Ski Dubai? Yes, Please.

Dubai’s airport is so massive that it has its own ski resort inside it. Yes, you read that right. Ski Dubai, located in Terminal 3, is an indoor ski slope where you can hit the slopes in the middle of the desert. Just remember to leave your swim trunks at home.

2. The World’s Busiest Airport (Almost)

While Dubai International Airport isn’t officially the world’s busiest airport, it’s consistently in the top 10. With over 88 million passengers in 2019, you’ll have a harder time finding an empty spot in the terminal than a grain of sand on a Dubai beach.

3. Gold on the Go

Forget candy bars and chips; in Dubai, you can find vending machines that dispense gold bars. Because, you know, sometimes you just need to grab some bling while waiting for your connecting flight.

4. The Airport with Its Own Town

Dubai’s airport is so enormous that it’s like a city within a city. It even has its own dedicated police force, medical center, and fire department. They’ve got all the bases covered, including the unlikely event of a sandstorm in the terminal.

5. A Fishy Attraction

Ever wanted to admire some fish while catching your breath between flights? Dubai’s airport has you covered with a massive aquarium located in Terminal 3. They say fish have a calming effect, and if you’re not convinced, at least they don’t ask you where you’re headed for the hundredth time.

6. Paging Mr. Lost & Found

In case you forget your bag at the airport (it happens to the best of us, right?), don’t fret. Dubai International Airport has one of the most efficient lost and found departments in the world. They’ll probably find your lost sock and return it to you with a smile.

7. Runway Fireworks?

Every New Year’s Eve, Dubai International Airport puts on a fireworks show that rivals any other. Yes, they light up the runways with dazzling pyrotechnics. Just imagine being a pilot trying to land amidst all that sparkle. “Is this a runway or a disco ball?”

8. Billionaires Love It Here

Dubai’s airport is a favorite of the uber-rich. It’s the perfect place to flaunt your designer outfits and roll your Louis Vuitton luggage while sipping champagne. Who knew that an airport could double as a runway for fashionistas?

9. A Unique Kind of Record

It’s not just the city of Dubai that likes to break records; the airport gets in on the action too. They once set a record for processing 80 million passengers in a single year. That’s a lot of trays in the security line.

10. Camels, Not Just in the Desert

You might think you’d only see camels in the Dubai desert, but not at this airport. In the past, they’ve had camels walking through the terminals to entertain travelers. Just remember, no riding the camels to your gate.

So, there you have it, 10 quirky and fascinating facts about Dubai International Airport. Next time you find yourself there, keep an eye out for indoor ski slopes, gold-dispensing vending machines, and, of course, those wandering camels. Dubai’s airport is a world of its own, and it’s bound to surprise you at every turn. Safe travels, and don’t forget your gold bars.

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