10 Things You Didn’t Know About Philadelphia International Airport

Philadelphia International Airport, where the Liberty Bell is busy ringing in your flight delays, and cheesesteaks practically fly through the air. Let’s dive into 10 things you probably didn’t know about this bustling hub of brotherly love.

1. Rocky’s Favorite Stairs:

We all know Philly loves Rocky, and guess what? The airport has its very own set of “Rocky steps”. Okay, they’re not as epic as the ones at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, but they make for a great workout while you’re waiting for your luggage.

2. Cheesesteak Showdown:

Forget about Pat’s and Geno’s when you’re at the airport. They’ve got a mini cheesesteak showdown of their own. Don’t worry; you won’t have to choose sides. They’re both delicious.

3. Hitch a Ride on the Plane Train:

If you’re tired of walking from one terminal to another, hop on the Plane Train. No, it’s not a magical flying locomotive, but it’s a speedy shuttle that’ll get you from A to B in no time.

4. Art at the Airport:

Philadelphia International Airport is like a mini art gallery. From cool sculptures to vibrant murals, you can enjoy a bit of culture while you’re waiting for your flight. Just don’t try to buy a painting with your leftover travel budget.

5. Piano Man:

There’s a piano in Terminal B, and anyone can play it. If you’re a piano prodigy or just enjoy plunking out “Chopsticks,” this is your chance to shine.

6. Yoga Room:

Need to de-stress before a flight? The airport’s got a yoga room. Just imagine doing the “downward dog” next to a guy in a business suit and a crying baby. Namaste.

7. Fresh Flowers:

Forget about those cheesy airport bouquets; Philly International has a Flower Shop, so you can grab a fragrant gift or just admire some pretty petals.

8. It’s Not Actually in Philly:

You’d think it’s right in the heart of Philadelphia, but it’s technically in Tinicum Township. The airport is like the neighbor who lives just a bit outside of the city limits.

9. Geek Out with Planespotting:

If you’re into planes, there’s a dedicated spotter’s lot where you can watch aircraft take off and land. It’s like birdwatching, but with way more horsepower.

10. Secret Tunnels:

No, they’re not smuggling cheesesteaks. But there’s a system of underground tunnels at the airport. They’re used for luggage and maintenance, not for secret cheesesteak heists. Sorry, no secret sandwich societies here.

So, next time you’re at Philly International, keep these quirky facts in mind, and maybe you’ll see the airport in a whole new light. And if you’re lucky, you might even spot a cheesesteak-toting Rocky on the Plane Train.

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