10 Things You Didn’t Know About El Dorado International Airport

Alright, folks, buckle up because today we’re spilling the beans on the El Dorado International Airport, and trust me, there’s more to it than just your average terminal and runways. Get ready for a journey through 10 Things You Didn’t Know About El Dorado International Airport.

1. It’s Not Really Made of Gold:

Despite the name, there’s no golden runway or ticket to eternal riches. “El Dorado” is just a nod to the legendary city of gold, and you’ll have to settle for regular old currency here.

2. It’s Not in El Dorado:

You won’t find this airport in some hidden mythical city. It’s in Bogotá, Colombia, but they decided to give it a fancy name to keep us all guessing.

3. High Altitude Headquarters:

El Dorado is one of the highest international airports in the world, nestled 8,360 feet above sea level. That’s like trying to land a plane on a mountain.

4. Record-Breaking Terminal:

El Dorado has one of the largest airport terminals in the world, spanning a whopping 68,000 square meters. It’s so big that you might need a compass to find your gate.

5. Eco-Friendly Initiative:

This airport has gone green. They use solar panels to generate some of their electricity and even recycle rainwater to keep those plants lush.

6. Colombian Coffee Bonanza:

You know you’re in Colombia when you can find a dedicated coffee zone in the airport. So, don’t miss your chance to sip on some fresh Colombian java.

7. Artsy Airport:

El Dorado is more than just planes; it’s a mini art gallery. You can find various sculptures and paintings throughout the terminal, making your layover an art appreciation stop.

8. VIP Parrots:

At the Aviary of Tocancipá, located near the airport, you can spot over 200 species of birds, including colorful macaws. They’re like the VIP guests of the area.

9. Say No to Jetlag:

El Dorado is one of the few airports in the world that offers a service called “Oxygen Bar.” They claim it can help you combat jetlag. Breathe easy, my friends.

10. Runway Treadmill:

The runway at El Dorado Airport is about as long as 18 football fields laid end to end. That’s longer than most of your New Year’s resolutions, right?

So there you have it, 10 cool tidbits about El Dorado International Airport that you probably didn’t know. From its high-flying altitude to its love for art and coffee, this airport is a bit more intriguing than you might have thought. And no, you won’t find a treasure chest, but it’s still a golden place to start your Colombian adventure. Safe travels.

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