10 Things You Didn’t Know About Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport

Welcome to the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, where the skies are blue, and the dumplings are steaming hot. You might think you know everything about this bustling hub of travel, but I’m here to spill the soy sauce – I mean, the beans – on 10 things you didn’t know about Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport.

1. Shh, It’s Fast:

Shanghai Hongqiao isn’t just a mouthful; it’s also super speedy. In 2010, it set a Guinness World Record for the fastest airport check-in, with a jaw-dropping 8 seconds. Blink, and you’ll miss it.

2. Eating in the Sky:

The airport boasts a fantastic food court, but did you know it has a ‘Flight Meal Experience’? You can dine on an actual retired airplane. Just don’t ask if the chicken or fish is still on the menu.

3. The Underground Railway:

No, it’s not the Hogwarts Express, but it’s close. Shanghai Hongqiao Airport has its very own underground railway station. It’s like taking a magical train to the terminal.

4. Paperless Boarding:

Shanghai Hongqiao is eco-friendly. They were one of the first airports to implement paperless boarding passes. Say goodbye to lost tickets; it’s all on your phone now.

5. Yoga Room:

Feeling cramped after a long flight? Stretch it out in the airport’s yoga room. It’s the perfect place to downward dog while your luggage takes a nap.

6. DIY Dumplings:

Ever wanted to learn the art of dumpling-making? You’re in luck. The airport offers dumpling-making classes. Who knew travel could be so deliciously educational?

7. Garden on the Runway:

Shanghai Hongqiao is famous for its beautiful gardens. But did you know there’s a massive garden right in the middle of the runways? It’s like Mother Nature decided to take a nap there.

8. Toy Planes for Kids:

Keeping the little ones happy is easy at this airport. They’ve got toy planes for kids to play with while you wait for your flight. And yes, you can play with them, too – no judgment here.

9. Free Massages:

That’s right, you can get a free massage at this airport. Don’t worry; they won’t ask you about your childhood while they work out the kinks.

10. 4D Movie Theater:

Why watch a regular movie when you can watch a 4D one? The airport has a 4D cinema where you can experience a movie with all your senses. Just make sure your popcorn doesn’t float away.

So, there you have it – 10 things that make Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport more than just a place to catch a flight. It’s a world of surprises and delights. If you ever find yourself there, be sure to take full advantage of all these quirky amenities. Who knew an airport could be so much fun? Safe travels, and may your dumplings be ever delicious.

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