10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ninoy Aquino International Airport

The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA). It’s more than just a place to catch flights and lose your luggage. Did you know that this airport has a bunch of cool facts and quirks you probably never thought of? Well, here are 10 things you didn’t know about NAIA that’ll make your next layover way more interesting.

1. What’s in a Name?:

First off, who is this “Ninoy Aquino” guy? Well, it’s not just one person – Ninoy is the nickname of Benigno Aquino Jr., a Philippine senator and a national hero. The airport is named after him because he was assassinated there in 1983. It’s like naming your cat “Whiskers” because it has… well, whiskers.

2. Terminals Galore:

NAIA isn’t just one big building. It’s actually made up of four terminals: Terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4. Think of them as siblings with different personalities. Terminal 3 is the youngest and shiniest, while Terminal 1 is the one that’s been around the longest – a bit like the wise old grandparent of the group.

3. Airport Shuffle:

If you ever find yourself needing to switch terminals, don’t fret. You can use the Runway Manila – a pedestrian bridge that lets you stroll from Terminal 3 to Resorts World Manila. It’s like a bonus round in an airport-themed video game.

4. Where’s the Slot Machine?:

In most airports, you’d expect to see slot machines and roulette tables. But not at NAIA. Gambling isn’t allowed there, so you’ll have to wait until you land in Las Vegas for that jackpot.

5. Sleep Pods:

If you’re stuck at the airport overnight, don’t worry – NAIA has comfy sleep pods you can rent by the hour. It’s like having a hotel room inside an airport, without all the noisy neighbors.

6. The Time Machine:

NAIA is in a unique time zone. It’s not just a regular timezone; it’s actually 8 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8). So, if you ever need an extra excuse for being fashionably late, just blame it on the airport time warp.

7. The Pail of Fresh Air:

NAIA’s air traffic controllers use a “pail of fresh air” to keep them alert. No, they’re not taking bathroom breaks in style – it’s a way to make sure they’re breathing in fresh air instead of recycled cabin air. Clever, right?

8. Runway Made of Asphalt and Dreams:

The airport’s runways are made of asphalt, not concrete. That’s like building your driveway but on a much larger scale. And just like your driveway, they dream of being smooth and pothole-free.

9. The World’s Busiest, but Not Really:

NAIA used to be one of the busiest airports in the world. But in recent years, it fell from the top spot. Don’t worry, though – it’s still bustling with activity and a perfect place for people-watching.

10. The Hidden Chapel:

If you’re ever in Terminal 3, look out for a hidden chapel. It’s a quiet place for reflection and prayer amid the chaos of travel. Just don’t accidentally exchange your boarding pass for a prayer book.

So, there you have it, folks – 10 things about NAIA that you probably didn’t know. Next time you find yourself at this Philippine airport, you can impress your fellow travelers with your newfound knowledge. Happy travels, and remember to keep an eye out for fresh air pails and hidden chapels.

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