10 Things You Didn’t Know About Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport

You might know Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport as BWI, but there’s more to this place than just three random letters. So, buckle up and get ready for a journey through the quirkiest facts you never knew about this airport.

1. Birds Are the Airport’s BFFs:

Yep, you read that right. BWI is all about bird-friendly ways. They’ve got a “Wildlife Management Program,” which means they’re like the coolest bird sanctuary ever. Tweet tweet.

2. Composting All the Way:

BWI isn’t just about planes; they’re eco-warriors too. They’ve got composting programs, turning food scraps into gold for the environment. They’re making Mother Earth proud, one potato peel at a time.

3. Art Attack:

Don’t just rush to your gate – take a moment to appreciate some cool art. BWI has a killer art collection, including sculptures, paintings, and even exhibits on the history of aviation. Who knew you’d get cultured while waiting for your flight?

4. A Hollywood Star:

BWI had its 15 minutes of fame in the movie “The Silence of the Lambs.” Remember that creepy scene where Jodie Foster was running for her life? Yeah, that was right here at BWI. Hannibal Lecter probably never ate airplane food.

5. 24/7 Fun:

Are you a night owl? BWI’s got your back. It’s open 24/7, so you can enjoy those 3 AM flights without any vampire vibes. Just try to avoid turning into a pumpkin.

6. Mystery Tunnel:

Underneath the airport, there’s a secret tunnel. Well, it’s not really a secret, but it’s a tunnel. It connects two terminals, and you can hop on a shuttle to ride through it. Perfect for when you’re feeling lazy or pretending to be James Bond.

7. The First Lady’s Hometown:

You’re practically walking on historical ground. BWI is named after Thurgood Marshall, the first African American Supreme Court Justice. He hails from Baltimore, and that’s where the airport is located. You’re treading on some fancy soil.

8. Birthplace of Southwest Airlines:

BWI is like the proud parent of Southwest Airlines. Southwest had its very first flight from here, and now they’re one of the biggest airlines around. They grow up so fast.

9. Foodie’s Heaven:

If you’re a food lover, you’re in for a treat. BWI has an abundance of food options. From Maryland crab cakes to gourmet coffee, you won’t leave here with an empty stomach.

10. Airport with a Puppy Parade:

Feeling stressed about your flight? No worries. BWI has a “Puppy Parade” program, where you can cuddle some adorable dogs before takeoff. It’s like a therapy session but with fur and wagging tails.

So, next time you find yourself at Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, remember all these quirky facts. It’s not just an airport; it’s an adventure waiting to happen, right from art to secret tunnels, and even famous movie scenes. Who knew flying could be this fun? Safe travels.

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