10 Things You Didn’t Know About Munich Airport

Munich Airport is the gateway to Bavaria and a place that’s more than just a pit stop for pretzels and sausages. If you think you know everything about this airport, think again. Here are 10 things you probably didn’t know about Munich Airport, and I promise, there’s no yodeling involved:

1. Park & Surf:

Munich Airport offers free Wi-Fi. But here’s the kicker: you can park for free right outside the terminal and surf to your heart’s content. They basically invite you to binge-watch cat videos while you wait for your flight.

2. Christmas Market:

Forget about December – Munich Airport has a Christmas market that starts in November. You can shop for trinkets, sip mulled wine, and feel like you’ve stumbled into a winter wonderland. Just don’t try to take a sleigh through security.

3. Surfers’ Paradise:

Surfers in Munich? Well, not quite, but there’s a spot where you can catch some waves indoors. The airport has a standing wave machine so you can hang ten while waiting for your plane.

4. Nap Pods:

If you’re jet-lagged, don’t fret. There are nap pods where you can snuggle up and catch a few Zzz’s without missing your flight. Imagine the look on your neighbor’s face when they see you walking off the plane looking like a well-rested supermodel.

5. Visitor Park:

You don’t have to be a passenger to enjoy the airport. There’s a Visitor Park with a playground, mini golf, and a terrace where you can watch planes land. It’s like a day at the amusement park, but with more take-offs and landings.

6. Airport Brewery:

Ever had the urge to brew your own beer at an airport? Well, at Munich Airport, you can. They have their brewery, and you can even brew your own beer. Pro tip: beer pairs nicely with those giant pretzels.

7. Indoor Forest:

The airport’s Terminal 2 has an indoor forest with over 20,000 real trees. It’s like a little piece of Bavarian wilderness, right in the middle of your layover.

8. Ice Cream Factory:

In case you’re not into beer or pretzels (who are you?), you can indulge your sweet tooth at the airport’s ice cream factory. Yes, a real ice cream factory. There’s even a chocolate fountain. It’s like Willy Wonka’s dream airport.

9. Pets Allowed:

Not only are pets welcome at Munich Airport, but they also have their very own animal lounge. So, if you spot a dog in a pilot’s cap, don’t be surprised – they might be preparing for their next flight.

10. Art Everywhere:

Munich Airport is a hub for art lovers. You can admire various art installations, including giant spiders, dancing cars, and more. It’s like a museum, but you don’t need a ticket, and you can take your selfie with the exhibits.

So, the next time you find yourself with a layover in Munich, remember that there’s more to this airport than schnitzel and dirndls. From wave machines to indoor forests and beer brewing, it’s a hub of unique surprises. Enjoy your journey, and maybe even take a little piece of Munich with you when you board your next flight.

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