10 Things You Didn’t Know About Frankfurt International Airport

Let’s dive into 10 things about Frankfurt International Airport that will surprise you.

1. Terminal Treasures:

Frankfurt Airport is so massive that if you start exploring all the terminals, you might find the fabled “Lost & Found” department at some point. They’ve got more misplaced socks than you can shake a walking stick at.

2. Kiss and Fly:

Forget about kissing your loved ones goodbye at the entrance. Frankfurt Airport wants you to be quick about it, so they’ve got a “Kiss & Fly” zone. A quick peck and zoom, because there’s a plane to catch.

3. Sheraton in the Airport:

You can actually stay at the Frankfurt Airport Sheraton Hotel without ever leaving the airport. It’s like a cozy layover vacation; you might forget you’re even in an airport.

4. Inception Luggage:

Did you know Frankfurt Airport has its own “luggage-carousel-inside-a-luggage-carousel”? Seriously, you can watch your luggage go around and around on a conveyor belt while waiting for it to pop out.

5. Going Green:

Frankfurt Airport takes the environment seriously. They’ve got one of the world’s largest airport solar power plants. It’s so green that even Kermit would be jealous.

6. Beer and Bratwurst:

While in Germany, you must enjoy some beer and bratwurst. But at Frankfurt Airport, you can do this even before you’ve left the airport. There’s a beer garden that welcomes your jet-lagged self with open arms and open beer taps.

7. Aircraft Nursery:

Frankfurt Airport handles more passengers than most cities, and they’ve got quite a collection of airplanes. It’s like an aircraft nursery. You might spot everything from a tiny baby plane to a jumbo jet having a nap.

8. Nocturnal Flights:

Frankfurt Airport doesn’t sleep, and neither do some of its flights. You can catch a red-eye flight to almost anywhere in the world, but don’t expect the airplanes to tuck you in.

9. A Plane on the Roof:

There’s an airplane on the roof of the Squaire, a futuristic building connected to the airport. It’s not just for decoration; you can actually go inside and enjoy some breathtaking views of the runways.

10. Pizza for Pilots:

Pilots have gotta eat too, right? Well, there’s a place at the airport where pilots can call in and order pizza. Yep, the next time you see your captain, they might have a slice of Margherita in hand.

So there you have it, ten amusing and surprising things about Frankfurt International Airport. It’s not just a place for catching flights; it’s an adventure waiting to happen. Now, go explore the airport, and who knows, you might stumble upon even more quirky surprises.

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