10 Things You Didn’t Know About Boston Logan International Airport

Boston Logan International Airport might just be your gateway to Beantown, but there’s a whole lot more to it than you might expect. So, here are 10 things you probably didn’t know about this airport that’s more than just a place to catch a flight.

1. That’s Not a Typo:

Ever notice that it’s Logan *International* Airport and not just “Logan Airport”? Well, that’s because this place isn’t just for flights to Peabody; it serves over 30 international destinations. So, next time you’re here, practice your international wave.

2. Art & Soul:

Logan Airport has its very own art collection. Yes, you heard that right. It’s like a mini-museum. They have cool sculptures, paintings, and even a giant mosaic jellybean in Terminal C. So, if you’re an art buff, fly in and enjoy a free gallery.

3. Turtle Crossing:

There’s a runway at Logan that’s also a home to some tiny, shelled creatures. The airport built a tunnel under Runway 15R-33L so the local turtle population can safely cross without becoming turtle soup on the tarmac. Safety first, even for turtles.

4. It’s Old…Like, Really Old:

Logan Airport has been around for over 90 years. It opened in 1923. That’s like your great-great-grandparents’ airport. Imagine the stories it could tell, if it could talk.

5. In the Movie Business:

Logan Airport has been a star in several movies and TV shows, like “The Departed” and “Good Will Hunting.” So, if you’re a film buff, you can walk in the footsteps of Hollywood legends (kind of).

6. Land of the Free Wi-Fi:

One of the greatest things about Logan is the free Wi-Fi. They say you can’t buy happiness, but you can certainly browse for it on your smartphone while you wait for your flight.

7. Seafood Central:

Logan’s not just about flying; it’s also about the chowder. There’s a legal seafood restaurant right in the airport. So, if you’re a seafood lover, you can start indulging even before you leave Massachusetts.

8. Piano Man:

If you’re lucky, you might catch someone tickling the ivories on one of the airport’s public pianos. Who knew Logan could be so melodious? Maybe you’ll even catch a piano version of “Sweet Caroline.”

9. Getting Zen:

Logan has a yoga studio in Terminal E. So, if pre-flight jitters have got you in a twist, you can straighten yourself out with some airport yoga. Namaste, travelers.

10. Underwater Tunnel:

Logan Airport is connected to downtown Boston by an underwater tunnel. That’s right, you’re technically traveling under Boston Harbor to get to your plane. It’s like a secret aquatic adventure, minus the scuba gear.

So, next time you find yourself at Logan International Airport, remember that it’s more than just a place to catch a plane. It’s a place with turtles, art, history, and even a touch of Hollywood. Enjoy your journey, and don’t forget to say hi to the jellybean mosaic.

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